Please check if your browser has some ad or pop up blockers in place. Also double check the firewall settings to make sure it is not causing the issue. Having an IT specialist at your hotel take a look as this may result in the issue being resolved quickly. If the issue persists, please contact us with screenshots of the issue and also state your browser and the version of the browser you are using.
Why is my username and password no longer working?
Please note that the username and password fields are space and case sensitive, hence be careful when you input your login data. If the problem persists, please contact to send you a password reset link.
How do I update my competitor set and how many competitors can I have?
For Gold & Silver users, send an email to with the changes you would like to make. We encourage you to include the full name of the hotel, the hotel website or any other information to distinguish the hotel from hotels with a similar name. You are allowed up to 10 competitors. For enterprise users, you can edit your competitor set yourself. Please see the comparison section of the user manual for more details.
Why can I see a particular review on TrustYou but not on the corresponding review portal?
We do not synchronize for deleted reviews as certain portals delete reviews older than 2 years and we like to keep these in our database for your analysis. If you notice a review no longer appears on a portal but still appears on TrustYou, simply let us know and we will be happy to delete the review for you from our database after a crosscheck.
My response rate is not at a 100% for a particular time frame, however, there are no new reviews to respond to when I use the “unresponded” filter in reviews inbox.
This occurs when a review has been marked as responded, but a response was not written or published yet. If a response was recently written, please be patient. If the response was written a long time ago, then click on the review status “responded” and filter for the time frame the response is missing for. Once you see a review with a curved arrow instead of a tick mark, this should indicate to you the review which has not been responded to. When you have found the review, you should be able to figure out if the response was not published by the review portal or if it is just not being pulled into TrustYou.
I have responded to several reviews but I do not see the response in TrustYou and my response rate has not been updated.
Even though we mark the review responded in TrustYou when you click the respond button, the content may not appear for a few days. Each review site has a moderation process before a review/response is published, and we're not able to import the content until after a review/response is published. It takes between 8 and 32 hours for new content on a review site (including responses) to be imported into TrustYou, so it's normal to not see your responses immediately after posting.