Best practices: Engage Your Customers

There are many ways that you can engage with and encourage engagement from your customers. Let us help spark some ideas, take a look below to identify which engagement tactics best suit your business. We divide these ways into:

  1. Web/Online
  2. At Your Business
  3. During Personal, One-to-One Interactions

The great thing about your text-to TrustYou Messaging number is that you can use it for both calls + texts. If a customer calls your text-to number, the call will automatically be routed to your main business number. This is something to keep in mind as you’re expanding your communication channels for customers.

1. Web/Online

Allow your web-goers a way to text or chat with you – on the go – straight from their phones. Replace your business phone number across the web to offer your customers the opportunity to call* text with you. However your customer wants to communicate – you’ve got them covered. A few places that are great entry points are:

  • Website: Landing Page + Contact Information
  • Yelp
  • Google Pages
  • Social: Facebook, Twitter, Linked-In
  • Emails: Signup Link Confirmation or Marketing Emails
  • Incoming Shared Inboxes (example: info@, support@, help@ addresses)


2. At Your Business

Where on-premise are customers interacting with your team, or at a place where they need help? Perhaps they’re waiting, checking in or picking up at your business. It’s a great time to encourage signups, or provide information on the newest way they can contact you – straight from their mobile device. Consider calling attention to your new service in the following places:

  • Tablet at the Reception Desk
  • On-Property Contact Sheets
  • Table Tents or Physical Signage

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3. During Personal, One-to-One Interactions

What’s more personal than allowing your customers to text with you or your team? During one-to-one interactions with customers is a great time to let them know of a new way they can now reach. Maybe they already have been texting you personally, but we suggest directing them to your business text number so that if you’re busy – your team can step in and provide great service. Here are a couple of places to encourage text message enrollment and increase awareness:

  • On Business Card
  • In Email Signature
  • One-to-One Engagement at Business Location(s)

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